science technology

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Mona Lisa Math

Art and science are inexorably intertwined, with advances in one often inspiring advances in the other. Nowhere is this more evident than in the work of Leonardo da Vinci. On this program, Prof. Bulent Atalay discussed math and the Mona Lisa.

But, what are the Mona Lisa's fractal dimensions?

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Domestic Wiretapping

Domestic wiretapping has become an incendiary issue. What are the rights of the people and the government in this regard? And, how effective is the technology? On this program, Jack O'Neill discussed the Echelon wiretapping system.

Unfortunately, no one is interested in what I have to say... ;)

Music Notes:

Segue 1 - Techno Bond Theme
Segue 2 - Return to Life
Outro - Garage Groks

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Inflammatory Aging

The connection between inflammation and aging may be related in part by the foods we eat. On this program, Dr. Nicholas Perricone discussed his theory for a healthy diet.

Oddly, eating hydrocortisone just makes me look older... ;)

Music Notes
Teaser - Theme from Amelie
Intro - Japanese Telecom
1st Seg - Super Mario Bros. (Tokyo Phil.)
2nd Seg - Conquest of Paradise (Vangelis)
Outro - Moulin Rouge (Ending)

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Stellar Life Cycles

The sun is currently a middle-aged star, and will inevitably decline as all stars must. But, it may be possible to extend the stellar lifetime. On this program, Joe Pappalardo discussed the life cycle of stars.

Dying stars need a better agent... ;)

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