science technology

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Biological Evil

The problem of evil has confounded philosophers and scientists alike. Is there a biological basis for evil? On this program, Prof. David Buss discussed the biology of evil.

Where is the evil gene and how can I get one? ;)

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Chaotic Systems and Condensed Matter

The work of Poincare on the three-body problem later became the framework for studying chaotic systems. Since then, mathematicians have made progress in these and other dynamical systems. On this program, Mason Porter talked about exciting developments in this field. Travis Heime also discussed condensed matter physics.

I wish they could stop the condensation on my chaos...

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Sustainable Fisheries

Environmentalists have been concerned about pollution in the sea and the depletion of fisheries, but are these worries overblown? On this program, Stacey Viera of the National Fisheries Institutes, explains the health effects of mercury and NOAA's work in promoting sustainable fishing.

I hope they don't overfish the lamprey... ;)

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

For Peat's Sake

Scientists estimate that one-third of today's increase in greenhouse gas emissions come from changes in the land-use. One way to sequester the carbon emissions is plant more trees but are other crops out there better? On this program, special correspondent Terry Yen talked about the promise of anthropogenic peat.

And I thought holding my breath would stop global warming. :)

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