science technology

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Quantum Computing Bamboo

Quantum computing makes use of the unique quantum states of a molecular system to store information. On this program, Dr. Michael Hartmann discussed quantum information theory. In addition, Chin Ong discussed the agricultural merits of bamboo.

I wish my fern had quantum merits... ;)

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Longevity Habits

The prevalent image of old age is one of infirmity, but studies of centenarians demonstrate that a vibrant lifestyle is possible. On this program, Dr. Maoshing Ni discussed everyday habits for ensuring a long and healthy life.

I'm more worried about the life of my car... ;)

Music Notes:
Segue 1: Techno Wong Fei
Segue 2: Live Forever
Outro: Garage Groks

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Concerned Science

The role of science in government has often been neglected. The Union of Concerned Scientists is a group that brings scientific opinion to major policy issues. On this program, Prof. Kurt Gottfried discussed the distortion of science by the government. In addition, Vikram Kukarni discussed geotechnical engineering.

Distortion by the government? Say, it aint so... ;)

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Science and Spirituality

Biomedical research often encounters vocal opposition from both sides of the political spectrum. On this program, Prof. Lee Silver discussed the clash of science and spirituality in biological research.

How about more science in theological research? ;)

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Energy Switch

While the United States has lagged in deploying renewable energy into its economy, others have pursued a more aggressive policy of lowering greenhouse gas emissions. On this program, Craig Morris discussed Germany and their move toward solar and wind power.

Scotty could get us more power... ;)

Music Notes
1st Seg - Flight of Bumblebee (McFerrin & Ma)
2nd Seg - Yellow Magic Orchestra (Sakamoto)
Outro - Flight of Bumblebee (Mrvica)

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