science technology

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Silent Earthquakes

Most of us know earthquakes by their ground breaking nature but what has intrigued seismologists recently are silent earthquakes. On this program, Paul Segall discussed the significance of these imperceptible ground movements. Chuck McMinn also joined us to discuss combined heat and power energy systems at his winery Vineyard 29.

I thought cholesterol was the silent killer, but earthquakes? :)

Music notes
1st Seg - Born (Bond)
2nd Seg - Microworld (Hisaishi)
3rd Seg and Outro - Bolero (Mouline Rouge Sountrack)

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Belief Biology

The origin of our belief systems may have strong biological underpinnings. On this program, Prof. Andrew Newberg discussed the biology of our beliefs.

But, what if you don't believe anything? ;)

Music Notes:
Segue 1: The 5th
Segue 2: Faith
Outro: Garage Groks

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Technology Woes

Technological changes are occuring at a rapid pace, and keeping up with those changes is a challenge to even the most astute technophile, not to mention those averse to technology. On this program, the folks from the street, Martina and John, discussed dealing with technology.

If only I could figure out how to use the talking toaster... ;)

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Concierge Medicine

The growing disparities in health care provided by primary care physicians has caused some to offer a service known as concierge medicine. But, this potential cure may result in more problems than solutions. On this program, Dr. Robin Cook discussed the problems with concierge medicine.

I just wish I had coverage for my podiatry needs... ;)

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