science technology

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Incentive Economics

Economics is often viewed as the dismal science, but everyday decisions are often guided or aided by economic considerations. On this program, Prof. Tyler Cowen discussed incentive economics.

I still can't decide what I'm looking for... ;)

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Sino-US Technology Relations

The relationship between China and the United States has far reaching implications in terms of politics, economics, and technology. On this program, Prof. June Dreyer from the University of Miami discussed Sino-US relations.

Where's Chairman Mao when you need him... ;)

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Ambiguous Math

Mathematics may appear to be constructed on absolute foundations derived from first principles. But, are mathematical tenets as absolute as they seem? On this program, Gaurav Suri discussed the philosophical implications of ambiguity in math.

I'm not sure certain what this was about... ;)

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Musical Brain

Music has powerful emotive and expressive qualities that transcend its description as a purely physical phenomenon. This is of course due to how the brain processes musical information. On this program, Prof. Daniel Levitin discussed the musical brain.

My brain sounds like a kazoo... ;)

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