science technology

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Heart Depression

Heart disease and depression seem like unrelated ailments. However, new research is finding that the occurrence of one can result in the manifestation of the other. On this program, Dr. Lawson Wulsin discussed the link between heart disease and depression.

Does depression also affect my stocks? ;)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Darwin and Religion

The theory of evolution proposed by Charles Darwin has served as the basis for modern biological research. But, is evolution at odds with religious beliefs? On this program, Prof. Francisco Ayala from U.C. Irvine discussed Darwin and Religion.

My beliefs evolve daily... ;)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Fecal Science

While most might experience revulsion by fecal matter, the constitution of poo can actually tell a lot about gastrointestinal health. On this program, Dr. Anish Sheth and Josh Richmond discussed the science of poo.

Maybe I need more fiber... ;)

Wednesday, September 05, 2007


Collaboration in business is important for the development of ideas and products. Technological innovations are facillitating this process. On this program, Don Tapscott discussed Wikinomics, how mass collaboration is changing business.

Why can't they organize a date for me? ;)

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