science technology

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Dropsy Dialysis Transplant

The kidneys are an often unappreciated organ in the human body. But, the importance of their function becomes readily apparent when something disrupts their normal operation. On this program, Dr. Steven J. Peitzman discussed a short history of failing kidneys.

What about my failing brain... ;)

Music Notes:
Intro: Japanese Telecom
Segue: Yellow
Outro: Garage Groks

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Urban Development

Developing the infrastructure of poor urban environments remains a major challenge for sustainable growth. On this program, Dr. Timothy Campbell discussed capacity building and urban development.

When will they get around to fixing the potholes? ;)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Body Rhythms

The human body is regulated by multiple physiological processes that cycle throughout the day. On this program, Jennifer Ackerman discussed the science of body rhythms.

My body is in 5/4 time... ;)

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Planet Hunting

Astronomers searching for extrasolar worlds have recently discovered several fascinating planets orbiting other stars. On this program, Dr. Jason Wright discussed the science and technology behind the search for extrasolar worlds.

When will they find the lollipop planet?

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Telephone Gambit

Alexander Graham Bell is widely regarded as the inventor of the telephone. However, few may know the story of Elisha Gray, who may have been the first inventor of the telephone. On this program, Seth Shulman discussed the controversy and history of the telephone.

But, who invented 1-900-numbers? ;)

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