science technology

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Visual Thinking

Solving complex problems can be aided by the use of visual tools. However, these methods are often unknown outside of the scientific and engineering arenas. On this program, Dan Roam discussed visual problem solving.

How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop? ;)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Alternative Energy Markets

Developing alternative energy sources will require extensive capital resources. On this program, Matthew Feller discussed methods for carbon sequestration. In addition, Miriam Horn discussed developing capital infrastructure for alternative energy technology.

Why not try the 7/11? ;)

Music Notes:
Intro: Japanese Telecom
Segue: Pancho Sanchez
Outro: Garage Groks

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Effective negotiation is a skill that is necessary for resolving conflict peacefully, but the strategies and practices of negotiation are often not properly taught. On this program, William Ury discussed the power of a positive negotiation.

They obviously haven't met my mother... ;)

Music Notes:
Intro: Japanese Telecom
Segue 1: Miserlou
Segue 2: I'm in a hurry
Outro: Garage Groks

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Nuclear Renewables

The current peak oil crisis has intensified the search for renewable energy sources. One possible option is nuclear power. On this program, William Sweet discussed kicking the carbon habit.

Why can't they renew my hair? ;)

Music Notes:
Intro: Japanese Telecom
Segue 1: Amelie
Segue 2: Wallace and Grommit
Outro: Garage Groks

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